Just Called it 'OurTime' Day

Hi, how fun is your Valentine Day yesterday? My BF and I just enjoyed the time in a really simple way (FYI this is the fifth ValDay we spent together (^^)). No plan to go out to a romantic, sentimental place. The fact is: we just had one day off and preferred to take a rest. After a small talk, we decided to had simple celebration in his place. At 11 p.m, he picked me up and had lunch together. Not at a restaurant, but at a 'warung padang' haha. Then, we bought some beverages, Smirnoff Ice and Bali Hae, and chocolate (much of it). But, we turned to be bored so easily. So we took a look at my blog script. Not too romantic, but I felt happy with this 'OurTime' day.

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